Alexandra Devlin is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner. She discovered the Feldenkrais Method after seeking a way to become more flexible in her martial arts practice. What she wasn't expecting to find, was relief from years of chronic anxiety and depression. She is a long time student of Carl Minkel, founder and chief instructor of Taekwondo-Arnis Academy, a martial arts school that applies the principles of Feldenkrais Method to traditional martial arts and self defense. After attending only six of Mr. Minkel's Awareness Through Movement® classes, Alexandra discovered an unprecedented amount of flexibility. She began studying the Method under the supervision one of Dr. Feldenkrais' original American students, David Zemach-Bersin, and with 4 years and over 950 hours of Feldenkrais training, Alex is authorized by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America to teach Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration®. She practices and teaches out of the Frederick area.